(Gambar oleh JINGGO)
Malam tadi, bersama dengan rakyat negara ini, kami berkesempatan berbuka puasa dengan negarawan Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan isteri, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali.
Majlis itu dimulakan dengan bacaan Yassin, berbuka puasa dan sembahyang maghrib secara berjemaah. Selepas itu diadakan sembahyang tarawih berjemaah.
Mereka yang hadir malam tadi boleh dibahagikan kepada lima kategori utama iaitu bekas Menteri, bekas pegawai kanan kerajaan, bekas petugas pejabat PM, tokoh korporat dan warga media serta blogawan.
Antara mereka yang hadir ialah Tan Sri Sanusi Junid dan Tan Sri Sabaruddin Chik. Turut hadir ialah bekas KSN, Tan Sri Halim Ali, penggerak LADA, Tan Sri Halil dan tokoh korporat, Datuk Mohd Desa Pachee.
Kumpulan media pula dibarisi oleh Tan Sri Hashim Makaruddin (Pengerusi Kumpulan Utusan), Datuk A Kadir Jasin, Datuk A Ahmad Talib, Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad, Datuk Idris Tulis, Mior Kamarul Shahid, Zukri Valentino (sekarang KKK KPLBW), Rocky, Nuraina, Shamsul Akmar, Shamsul dan beberapa blogawan seperti Big Dog, A Voice, A M Ubaidah dan Parpu Kari.
jasa org lama tidak boleh dilupakan oleh rakyat...tanpa idea dan pengerakkan tenaga seperti negarawan ini,maka tiada lah Malaysia..jasa perlu dikenang,itulah org melayu
Elok sangat tu, jangan amalkan budaya kerumun dengan pemimpin yang sedang berkuasa sahaja.
A Short note on Anwar Ibrahim
Anwar’s biggest problem is that he is hooked on public attention. The real reason why he is really pissed off and wanted to take revenge against Umno is because Tun put him in prison..
He loved every minute of reformasi because he was at the centre of attention but away in prison, he was dying from public attention deficit and that really made his anger grow
Even his CIA handlers are starting to find this trait annoying you see he is not the only one they have lined up for Malaysia, he has a British counterpart that is working for the same agenda, to destabilise the most prosperous and forward looking Muslim state on the planet, Malaysia. In fact Sept 16 was self sabotaged by Anwar because he realized he could not be in full control due to strong resistance from within his coalition
Remember the Indonesian Karate man who was arrested in Malaysia for solicting prostitues?
His friend is sponsoring the Indon riots
Karate man was arrested here and the official line is that he was looking for girls, the real story is that he was looking for young boys, Anwar may want to deny this link but these two boy lovers are linked by fate, their insatiable love for men have made them kindred spirit. Anwar uses his Indonesian network to generate the current hatred for Malaysia, as part of his global assignment…
Anwar’s links in Indonesia goes to the same operatives in Indonesia where the CIA is known to be very active
Anwar is part of the machinery that have been feeding hate messages into Indonesian Media, every maid brutality case is meticulously and religiously forwarded to the Indonesians to be played up by the Media
If there is no good news then bad news is the only news, that is Anwar’s operating tactic in Malaysia, the same approach is being used by the CIA in Indonesia to damage Malaysia’s reputation and the bond between two well known and resolute Islamic countries,
the long term strategy is to discredit traditional Islam and plant one of two of America’s version of Islam in all Islamic states, the hate-propelled Islam of Ben Laden and hi Wahabbi movement and the Orientalist Islam, which is the same as the agnostic movement in the Christian Church where God is just a discussion point, a focal point for their logic driven moral compass
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