Thursday, August 26, 2010


Seorang kawan menyesal menghantar anaknya ke Indonesia untuk belajar perubatan. Ditanya mengapa? Beliau sakit hati dengan tindakan 'kumpulan upahan' yang membaling najis ke kedutaan Malaysia di Indonesia. Duit diberikan kepada mereka tetapi sebaliknya 'kumpulan upahan' ini memijak bendera dan menghina negara kita. Bagi DIY, dua perkara yang berbeza.

Menghantar anak untuk mendapat ilmu perubatan di Indonesia bertujuan memastikan anak mempunyai pelajaran. Jika anaknya menjadi doktor, maka bolehlah beliau berkhidmat untuk kepentingan rakyat negara ini. Bayaran yang murah berbanding menghantar ke Eropah atau Russia membolehkan anak beliau belajar seperti mana yang dihajatinya.

Tindakan 'kumpulan upahan' ini pula tidak memikirkan betapa ramai pelajar atau pelancong Malaysia di negara itu. Tidak menghiraukan betapa banyak wang masuk ke republik itu dibawa oleh rakyat Malaysia. Tidak dikira lagi wang yang dibawa balik oleh rakyat Indonesia yang bekerja di Malaysia. Bagi 'kumpulan upahan' ini menyalak apabila disuruh oleh tuannya.

Mengapa mereka menyalak mengikut arahan tuannya? Jawapannya ringkas, perut kenyang dan poket berisi. Inilah 'kenikmatan' yang diperolehi. Namun, kejayaan sebenarnya diperolehi oleh 'tuan' yang menaburkan wang demi untuk memalukan Malaysia dan pemimpinnya.

Masalah ini sudah tentu tidak dirasai oleh rakyat Malaysia keseluruhannya tetapi hakikatnya 'tuan' kepada anggota 'kumpulan upahan' akan mendapat pulangan daripada pelaburan mereka. Pertama ialah untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia seolah-olah hubungan bangsa serumpun itu sudah mula berpecah. Kedua memaparkan seluruh rakyat Indonesia marah dengan tindakan yang dibuat oleh penguatkuasa Malaysia. Ketiga memaparkan bahawa pemimpin Malaysia tidak cekap dalam mengendalikan hubungan kedua-dua negara.

Ketiga-tiga keuntungan ini sudah tentu ingin dirasakan oleh 'tuan' yang ada kepentingan di Malaysia. Kejadian baling najis ini disusun begitu rupa sebagai rentetan peristiwa untuk memalukan pemimpin tertinggi Malaysia. Anda tidak sukar untuk menunjukkan jari kepada 'tuan' yang bekerjasama dengan beberapa pemimpin tertentu republik itu. Ini kerana 'tuan' itu mempunyai sejarah panjang menggalakkan demonstrasi. Tikar sejarah yang membentangkan kegiatan bersekongkol dengan pemimpin Amerika Syarikat.

Sepatutnya jika 'tuan' ini mahu mencapai cita-citanya, ia perlu memikirkan pendekatan berbeza yang tidak memalukan negara atau pemimpinnya. Pendekatan yang diambil atas alasan apapun sepatutnya berpaksikan, 'jika terhimpit mestilah diatas, jika terkurung mestilah di luar' dan bukannya membakar negara ini menjadi abu. Jangan kahwin empat tetapi tidur di masjid. Amat mengecewakan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How could these people be so ignorant, nonsensical and bite the hands that feeds them?

This ongoing issue, that seems to be nudging our hospitable head almost way too hard now. Within the gratifying myth that we conjure up, on how we are from the same roots and share similar folk traditions. but almost too often too much now these south to the border neighbor, our ill mannered less sophisticated separated by the sea neighbor are almost wanting us all here to really admit that we actually does not gladly embrace what similarity we share, and rather be admitting at how they are portraying a behavior so totally over reacting and to be taking this thing way off the original context and should not be treated either seriously or if not to be portrayed so downright dumb.

How these so called Indonesian activists are are taking a rash and harsh views and stance towards our country here. these so called activist who seems to be thinking well of themselves, having to think that how they are so loud in their act of defiant and ready to be filmed by the press as so rebelliously hot headed and yelling, throwing poop and climbing on the gates of our embassy there.

Well, so much for how are they being portrayed as national heroes in their nation but over in our land, by seeing reports channeled out by media, it is just simply justifying our long in-depth views at how irrelevantly ignorant lower class minded citizens these bunch of people are. We almost had always looked one or two notch down at them, but this recent upheaval, really sealed the perception block. the apelike feces throwing acts, the burning of our Jalur Gemilang, the picketing at our Malaysian embassy, the on top of the gate barking and howling, are all ultimately perceived and judged by our simple minded Malaysian commoners here as acts that only will be done by third class worldwide known reputation society, that tends to always over re-acts to situation. Almost like watching tribe people program in the national Geographic channel. You can never tell the difference.

But, out of this out of proportion ordeals, the most disturbing facts would be how could this bunch of people who almost once or even more than that, or got relatives over in our country getting paid by our currency, be it legally or illegally. How could they be so ignorant to the facts at how our soil had been contributing to raising their young generations? how our burnt at Jalur Gemilang were the flag that enable them to feed their family, to enable them to feel at home and much more, enable them to have savings to go further in life. How could they be so nonsensical and non sensitive towards those things?

We are almost entirely your bread and basket if compared to your own poor stricken motherland. How rude and shameless of you to scowl and howl at us so disproportionately. How could you keep on biting the hands that continuously with sense and heart keep feeding you and your migrant generations with nutritious way of life and healthy frame of mind? Just remember how disarray and poor you will be if the land that you throw poop at do not need your service anymore. To cease appreciate your non stopping ever flowing group of people from crossing the sea to actually be a human being again. Just hope that after all this biting and chomping of the appreciative hands that never stop to give, we Malaysian are still having the empathy and sympathy to deal with your lower class tribe like antics anymore in the future.
